Exquisite home on a California Hilltop with Panoramic Views! 3020 sqft house, 4 bedrooms with individual bathrooms,2 living room, front/back yard and balcony , patio and free parking for 5 cars. The owner retained a walk-in closet to store debris, and other rooms were Mid-Hills Villas are very private and the community has private golf courses and private country clubs. It is relatively close to the Chinese area, but it is convenient but has the meaning of a paradise.
The owner-occupied Mid-Hills Villa is the first time listed . Adjacent to the Friendly Hills Country Club and Hacienda Golf Club, overlooking the city of Los Angeles and Catalina Island, viewing Disney Fireworks at night. You can play golf with your friends and chat here, enjoy a whole weekend or leisure life, and you can also prepare for your wedding. Make your big day is close to Anaheim Expo, you could take a great rest after your show.
屋主自住的半山别墅首次上市,整体房屋面积为3020平方尺,前后院子占地五亩。建于2006年,有四个的套房,两个客厅,设施齐备,景观秀丽。毗邻 Friendly Hills Country Club and Hacienda Golf Club ,能俯瞰大半个洛杉矶市区,远眺西太平洋和卡塔琳娜岛,夜间可观赏迪斯尼烟火,尤其在每年的国庆日更可看到大部分城市的烟花竞艳。每年五月到七月 蓝花楹盛开,街道两旁的花雨让你置身童话世界.你可以约三五知己在这里打球聊天,享受一整个周末或者假期的休闲生活,也可以为您的婚礼做准备,让这个大日子不再是匆忙仓促的。在这里从日出到黄昏都可以感受到西海岸优美的风光和宜人的气候.房屋位于洛杉矶地理中心,小区大隐隐于市,富庶安静,治安位于全美前列。交通便利。距离LAX机场45分钟,距离最近的海滩45分钟,距离大熊湖雪山景区1小时。生活方便,距离COSTCO仅3公里,距离最近的华人购物餐饮中心4公里,距离北美最大的佛教寺庙-西来寺3公里。附近有很好的蓝带学校接收1-8年级国际生,屋主可协助入学申请。适合1-2家人齐聚于此,或求学渡假,或养性修习。可选择长期租房,更有优惠