Finish your visiting day with hotel pick up and head to the Triple Frontier Landmark. Walk through the sign-posted ways until you arrive at the visiting area. The atraction is one the most charming places in Foz do IguaƧu. It unites three countries and a spectacular view of the Parana river and the IguaƧu river.
With a lot of culture, history and entertainment, the Triple Frontier Landmark counts with cultural shows at night, honouring Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
The shows begin with the Legend of the Falls, where the audience get to understand the storey behind the forbidden love between the indians Naipi and TarobĆ”, which originated the Iguazu Falls. Then, the staging of the minuet takes the visitor on a journey through the history of the region.
After the Legend of the Falls, it is time to honour the three countries with their typical dances. Starting with the passionate Argentine tango that captures everyone's attention with a unique performance. Brazil is also very well represented with all the joy and energy that only a good samba can provide. The Paraguayan polka is present in a spectacular performance, with all the beauty of Paraguay's culture. It is a true cultural immersion.
In addition, it is possible to contemplate the Cabeza de Vaca restaurant, the scenery of the Jesuit missions, the Integration Bridge (that will connect Paraguay and Brazil), the Ferris Wheel and a playground for children. Being one of the most beautiful places to watch the sunset, the tourist will also be able to contemplate the IguazĆŗ and ParanĆ” rivers and the Paraguayan, Argentine and Brazilian obelisks (which have been fixed more than 100 years ago and have the colours of each flag).
At dinner (optional) one of the options includes the typical dish of the city, the PirĆ” de Foz, a delicious surubim fish from the rivers of the region.
Ps.: Do not consider the times described in the activity/itinerary to be exact. They are just an estimate. Our reservations department will contact you the day before the activity to confirm your schedule.