Departure at 9.30 am at the reception of your hotel we moved to the indigenous village of San Juan Chamula is a Tzotzil community, distant pre-Hispanic origin that exercises its authority based on the uses and customs. San Juan Bautista, San Pedro, San Sebastian, are the three areas that make up this ceremonial centre, each with its own pantheon presided over by giant crosses featuring Chul Metic (Mother God) and Chul Totic (Father God), there is the seat of authority and the place where religious syncretism gives its maximum expression: the temple of San Juan Bautista, whose deep meaning blends Christian tradition with pre-Hispanic roots. Continuing with the tours we move to the indigenous town of Zinacantan, a Tzotzil town “Place of Bats” where the sacred spaces are marked by the hills that surround the small valley and the complex formed by the church San Lorenzo, of colonial origin but remodeled in the early twentieth century and the chapels of Esquipulas and San Sebastian.